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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Route to Professional Engineer - IEM Professional Interview (PI)

Here comes the most awaited day, the Professional Interview day.  My interview was scheduled at Ingenieur building in Petaling Jaya. The 2 interviewers were already there when I arrived. They may be early because they have to discuss with each other regarding the interview session (my assumption 😊).

Then at 10am the interview starts. During the first hour, I was asked questions related to my work experience. Basically, all questions are based on my report sent to IEM. Alhamdulillah, I managed to answer their questions with flying colors (phewww). For essay writing, there are 2 parts. The first one is based on our technical experience. Another one is on code & ethics. I was given one and half an hour for each essay. To give a tip on how to answer the essay questions, we need to answer and describe as best as possible. Write a bit longer so that the examiner find it hard to fail you. Make sure you write the essay considering points of Regulations of Professional Conduct for engineers (refer to IEM website for details). 

In my next post, I will share questions for Part B of the essay so that you guys can make some preparation before the big day!


  1. asssalam puan. sy ingin menghubungi puan untuk pertanyaan PI. Bagaimana sy boleh contact puan? my email

    1. boleh emailkan pada saya

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Salam Puan,
    Soalan essei based on technical experience masa PI interview,boleh share more jenis soalan yg di beri,bagaimana menjawabnya, etc.boleh bg tips lagi.
